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Join date: Aug 26, 2021


Dr. Amy Knaperek is a licensed pharmacist in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. After graduating from Creighton University's School of Pharmacy and Health Professions in 2012, she has been working as a community pharmacist in the Southeast United States. As a Diabetes Nutrition Educator and Pharmacy Manager for a large grocery store chain, she provided seminars on nutrition for people with Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome. She is an Integrative Pharmacy Specialist and has taken Functional Medicine courses from the Institute of Functional Medicine. She has certificates in Diabetes Management from ASHP and Medication Therapy Management through Power-PAK. She recently obtained a certificate in Pharmacogenomics and is excited about incorporating genetic testing into her Deep Dive Consultations. She has a passion for gut health and nutrition and the connection to overall health and wellness! Committed to lifelong learning, she works to bring the most up-to-date information to her clients.

Dr. Amy Knaperek, PharmD

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